Amb. Bill Rogers Presents KO-HOAR Award to the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Liberia – Termed “Hope for Young People”

Amb. Bill Rogers Presents KO-HOAR Award to the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Liberia – Termed “Hope for Young People”

Giving back to his roots,  Amb. Bill Morgan Rogers on Thursday August 1, 2024 officially presented his National Awards To the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

The Youth and Sports is the sector Ministry where Amb. Rogers started his early career that subsequently took him to the international stage. In front of a historic audience as part of the just ended July 26, 2024,  independence day celebration, Amb. Bill Rogers joined other national leaders and  received a deserving award for his  works and contributions to the Country and the globe at large. The young Liberian Diplomat, Educator and Sports Icon was amongst other things honored and recognized nationally for his outstanding contribution to Athletics, Sports, Education, and Physical Therapy.

Amb. Rogers also a Humanitarian has over the years  helped to empower young Liberians in order to ensure that they become productive to the society. Presenting the awards to the Minister of Youth and Sports, Amb. Rogers dedicated the honor to the suffering but talented  young people for Liberia who continue to battle challenges across the Country. Using his story to motivate his peers, Mr. Rogers encouraged the future leaders of Liberia to see persistency and consistency as key to achieving greatness in Liberia. “Despite your current situation, you need to remain focus, committed and humble”, he added.

He narrated that life for him over the past decades was not easy but he pressed on and did not allow his past to determine his future. The National awards recipient called on his peers to utilize every single chance and opportunity given them  like he did to make a difference in life. He at the same time appreciated H.E President Joseph Nyumah Boakai Snr for recognizing his work and contribution to the society; something he sees as a motivation for him to do more. Amb. Rogers urged young people to have passion and positive mindset including being resilient in order to make an impact in the larger society. “See me as an example and use my story and your present situation to make the change Liberia wants, if I can do it, you too can do it and even more”, he noted.

Naming some of his contributions, Amb. Rogers disclosed he has given over ten young people National and international opportunities to ensure that they prepared themselves and return to contribute to the Country. ” I have the Bill Rogers foundation and I am also doing more to give back to the society”,  he added.

In response, Youth and Sports Minister Cllr. Jeror Cole Bangalu lauded the effort of Amb. Rogers. According to Minister Bangalu, Amb. Rogers has made Liberia proud through his work over the years and he is a true and good example that the young people of Liberia should emulate. He at the same time used the occasion to encourage Bill to do more in order to serve as a motivation for other determined youths of Liberia to follow.

From a track Athlete to a Professor, Amb. Rogers is now molding the minds of other youths across the globe especially at the Houston-Tillotson University in the United States of America.

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